

事件 range from the Fillmore Glen Days 和 浴缸里的比赛 in the summer to Holiday Traditions Museum Open House in December. 

找个低调点的?  看看一年一度的纽约薰衣草节, 或者回到斯特林文艺复兴节. 

访问我们的 事件日历 for a full listing of events, fairs, 和 festivals happening every month all year long!

The annual 50-mile 90号公路车库拍卖 takes on a festival atmosphere each year as friends, 家庭, 偶尔还有家里的狗, 去寻找惊喜. 沿着90号公路的路边延伸, 一条纽约州风景秀丽的小路, 销售从北部的蒙特祖玛开始, 到南边的荷马村. Along the way you will find everything imaginable from antique 和irons to zebra prints 和 everything in between.  Always the last full weekend in July, from 9 am to 5 pm both days, rain, or shine. 充满创意(和美味)!) 食物 options are available to help fuel your inner bargain-hunter. 当地的俱乐部, 消防部门和组织准备早餐, 烤销售, 还有50英里外的烧烤店.

1990年被正式定为全国性节日, 哈丽特·塔布曼节 is observed each year to honor her heroic work as a freedom fighter on the date of her passing on March 10, 1913. 和我们一起来到奥本城, NY—the chosen hometown 和 final resting place of 哈丽特塔布曼—for the annual celebration 和 observance of this American Hero. 招待会将邀请特别嘉宾, 现场音乐, 官方公告, 纪念海报, 和 more to celebrate the life 和 legacy of 哈丽特塔布曼 Davis.


体验一个难忘的周末, supporting the women 和 non-binary individuals of NY’s flourishing craft beverage industry in the epicenter of equal rights heritage. This festival features specialty tours special guests 和 the coolest brew fest in town.

The weekend starts with the Pink Boots Collaboration Brew Day 和 concludes with the Fire 和 Ice Festival. Activities include roaring fire pits, 现场音乐, 食物, 酒, beer, fireworks 和 entertainment. 不要错过壮观的冰雕和雪橇酒!

八月的第二个星期天, the quaint village of Fair Haven transforms into a musical destination with porches becoming stages. 音乐家, ranging from full b和s to solo artists — playing instruments ranging from ukuleles to alpenhorns will take to the “stages” to give performances from noon to 6 p.m. Food, trucks 和 供应商 add to the party atmosphere through the village.

Annual running, bicycling, 和 paddling race is held the second Sunday in August in Auburn. Young, old, serious racer 和 beginners all compete for glory…和 the pursuit of fun! All participants 和 spectators are invited to the after-race celebration complete with music, 食物, 和饮料.  Feel free to enjoy the day at beautiful Emerson Park on Owasco lake with all the 伟大的比赛rs!

一年一度的春节番茄节将带来一天的现场音乐表演, 食物, 家庭活动, 供应商, 和 more to downtown Auburn on the second Sunday in September. The festival which supports local 食物 pantries, takes place from 11 a.m. 到晚上7点.m. on Genesee Street between South 和 William/Dill streets in the city. 

Join us all month long for celebrations to commemorate Black 和 African American freedom 和 achievements. 对我们来说,六月节意义深远. 作为哈丽特·塔布曼的家, 美国废奴主义者和活动家, 六月节的精神在奥本蓬勃发展. Tubman’s strength 和 courage are honored across several open-to-the-public historical sites that pay tribute to her life 和 fight for freedom. 一定要去参观 哈丽特·塔布曼的遗产地 和我们一起庆祝六月节.  

Foodies 和 酒 lovers unite 和 enjoy local 酒s with specially prepared 食物 at the annual Lake Ontario Food, 酒, 以及在Fair Haven的Colloca Estate 酒ry举办的爵士音乐节™, 纽约. 一天的美食, 酒, 和 jazz overlooking Fair Haven Bay along the 900′ of unobstructed waterfront that the Estate has to offer. 当地的酒庄, 精酿啤酒公司, 苹果汁, 和 distilleries will convene at Colloca Estate 酒ry providing you with the opportunity to sample local 酒s 和 other craft beverages 和 spirits. Specialty 从农场到餐桌 bites will be prepared 和 made available for sale to accompany the 酒s.

斯特林舞台民俗节 斯特林舞台剧院
Held annually on Memorial Day Weekend this festival features folk, roots 和 jam b和s. 所有门票都包括过夜帐篷露营. Sicard Hollow headlines the 2024 Sterling Stage Folkfest with two Sunday night sets! 《hg030皇冠手机版》周六晚上有两场比赛! 计数囊胚两个星期五晚上的集合! 一个人. 乐队周四晚上有两场演出! 与凯蒂·亚历山德拉共度深夜音乐,莫·米奇克 & 跳泥者和乡巴佬! 另外,还有很多!

菲尔莫天 & 浴缸里的比赛

菲尔莫天 are held annually on the second weekend in August. 该活动是免费的,包括现场音乐, 本地精酿啤酒, 酒, 食物, 工匠小贩和, 当然, 浴缸赛跑. 这些比赛是为了纪念摩拉维亚本地人和前美国人.S. 米勒德·菲尔莫尔总统, 和 refer to a famous hoax that says he brought the first bathtub into the White House. 

If you have never seen a bathtub race you don’t know what you are missing!

在Ol 'Factory薰衣草农场举办的纽约薰衣草节

Celebrate everything lavender with a peaceful day on the farm! 从田野里采摘大捆大捆的芳香药草, sample some of their wonderful lavender treats including ice cream sundaes with their very own lavender syrup, 啜饮凉茶, 品尝薰衣草葡萄酒和其他葡萄酒. Enjoy a picnic lunch from the wonderful 食物 供应商 then visit with our talented artisan 供应商. You will find one-of-a-kind creations from jewelry to pottery to painted glass 和 wood items. Partake in one of the lavender workshops 和 listen to some great musical entertainment.



Merriment awaits at the Festival at Warwick Welcome… The year is 1585. 你已经进入了沃里克村, 英格兰, 离繁华的伦敦城不远的一个乡村小镇. Step through the beautiful gates 和 you will soon find yourself greeted by the town’s jubilant citizens, 谁会热情地欢迎你成为他们的一员. The rules of everyday life are suspended for this special day of play 和 feasting. Be so bold as to join your fellow villagers in traditional 1585 garb 和 whatever amusements they have created for the day.

年度事件 & 节日

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